Concept Note on Co-Investment Platform for Latin America and The Caribbean on Climate Information and Early Warning Systems (CIEWS)

Design and support for the preparation of a Concept Note for a Regional Program of the Green Climate Fund, aimed at strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of Latin American and Caribbean countries in the generation and use of climate information and early warning services.


  • Develop a Concept Note for the CIEWS LAC Facility program, according to the guidelines indicated by the Green Climate Fund.
  • Ensure a consultative process with potential beneficiary countries.
  • Accompany the project in a collaborative, integral and multidisciplinary manner with an advisory team made up of experts in economic analysis, hydro-meteorological aspects, physical and mental health, among others.


  • Development Bank of Latin America and The Caribbean (CAF).
  • United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
  • Green Climate Fund (GCF).
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