Strategic and Business Plan of RedLAC 2024-2030

In developing the RedLAC Strategic Plan for 2024-2030 spanning over six years, we aim to endevor a plan through collaboration and insight from both their members and strategic allies. By leveraging the collective wisdom and resources of their network, we aspire to create a robust and forward-thinking roadmap that addresses the dynamic challenges and opportunities. This collaborative approach ensures that the RedLAC Strategic Plan is not only comprehensive but also flexible, enabling them to navigate uncertainties and pursue opportunities for sustainable growth and impact. Project carried out with the financial support of KfW Development Bank, MARFund and Associates.


  • Conduct an evaluation of the objectives achieved with the RedLAC strategic plan 2020-2023.
  • Prepare a report based on results and deliver it to the RedLAC general assembly.
  • Facilitate discussions among RedLAC members for the design of the Strategic Plan 2024-2030.
  • Develop the RedLAC Strategic Plan 2024-2030 (6 years), with inputs from the meetings and additional research.
  • Provide support for the development of the RedLAC Balanced Scorecard, which contains indicators to evaluate the advancement and progress of the goals of theStrategic Plan. This tool will support both RedLAC's Strategic and Business Plan.
  • Provide inputs for the preparation of the RedLAC Business Plan, in support of the Executive Secretariat who will take the lead.


  • Red de Fondos Ambientales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe - RedLAC
  • KfW Development Bank
  • Fondo para el Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano - MARFUND
  • Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo - CCAD
  • Asociación Costa Rica por Siempre - ACRXS
  • Fondo de Inversión Ambiental de El Salvador - FIAES
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